
IVF Implantation

In-vitro fertilization also called IVF includes the fertilization of a human egg cell in a lab and implantation of the embryo or the fertilized egg in the uterus or the womb of the woman for pregnancy and birth. Every now and then, an embryo which is a result of an in vitro fertilization will be frozen so as to be used for later <a href=””> ivf treatment </a>.

In-vitro fertilization is that procedure followed by women who suffer from infertility problems.The procedure is a great aid for conception and for a normal term of pregnancy.This procedure can also be used to prevent transmitting of hereditary illnesses.Fertilization takes place not in a test tube but in a small container called a perti dish.

Test tube baby is the popular name fir a baby resulting from <a href=”″>ivf implantation <a/>.There are some procedures you can follow to produce a test tube baby.First, the eggs have to be collected from the woman.But even before they are collected, the woman has to take some medicines to stimulate the ovulation process.When the eggs are ripe, the surgeon then performs an operation to remove them.

The next phase in <a href=””> ivf implantation process </a> includes that of fertilizing the egg and its development in the laboratory.After the egg’s removal, they are taken to the laboratory, where they are placed in a special fluid for 6 hours.Then the man who is the partner of the woman or the male donor supplies the sperm specimen.This must happen four hours after the eggs are collected.The sperm should be washed and incubated well.They are then mixed with the eggs and left for around 18 hours.To follow the procedure, the eggs are reexamined to check if it has fertilized.They are then returned to culture for another twenty four hours.

Following the fertilization method, the grown fertilized egg will then be transferred into the woman’s uterus.For minimizing the risk of multiple pregnancies, only a few of the eggs are returned to the woman.