
How To Grow An Indoor Herb Garden

Growing an indoor herb garden can be a useful project for anyone. Beginning gardeners will find it a rewarding first experience, and gardeners of any experience level will find it an excellent way to solve the problem of limited outdoor growing space. In any case, it is an excellent way for home cooks to maintain a supply of fresh herbs.

There are many things to keep in mind if you want to try your hand at growing an indoor garden. One key consideration is picking the right location. You will want to find a spot that receives at least eight hours of direct sunlight each day. If the stems and leaves get overly long, or if the leaves begin to fade or fall off, a lack of sunlight is the likely culprit. It is possible to supplement natural light, if necessary, with grow lights or florescent work lights hung 4 to six inches above the plants.

Once you have spot picked out, decide which herbs you want to grow. Look through nursery catalogs, consult nursery staff, or simply pick herbs you enjoy. If you are unsure, oregano, chives, mint, rosemary, basil, parsley, and thyme are all good bets. They are all commonly used in popular recipes and produce pleasing foliage and fragrances. As and added bonus, they are all hearty enough to be likely to transplant well outside, if you choose later to do so.

Some gardeners and cooks have such a fondness for Italian cooking that they grow and indoor or outdoor Italian herb garden. You could specialize in a national cuisine as well, if that suits your interests and tastes.

The staff at your local nursery can help you find the right containers for the indoor garden. Be sure the containers are at least 6 to 8 inches deep and 6 to 8 inches across for each plant. If you use a larger container, group the plants 6 to 8 inches apart. Drainage is key when setting up the containers. Place screen mesh across the drainage holes at the bottom of the containers, and place the containers in a tray of gravel. Use a potting mix that drains well and is suited well to herbs and indoor use. Your local nursery or garden center will have many options, and a willing staff to help you select the right mix.

Line the containers with a layer of potting mix, and then carefully location the herbs within the mix at about the depth they were within the nursery pots. Water the herbs. Be careful about more than watering them. A thorough soaking no a lot more than twice a week ought to accomplish the trick. You are able to also supplement the potting mix with fertilizer a couple times a month. Just be certain the fertilizer is approved for use with edibles.

Wait until you see new growth before you begin harvesting. Carefully clip the outermost sprigs as you use them. It is easy to deplete the herbs by harvesting too much to quickly. But if you are careful, it is just as easy to keep the herbs producing continually for a long time.

There are some potential pitfalls to indoor herb growing. One problem can be the lack of humidity in indoor air. Some plants may need additional moisture provided by gentle misting or by pouring water into the gravel tray into which the containers are set. Another problem for any indoor plants is the presence of insects whose eggs are protected from the cold night air by the temperate, regulated indoor temperatures. If insects appear, try filling a spray bottle with lukewarm, soapy water to spray on the leaves and stems of the herbs. The solution should kill the bugs without damaging the plants.

The only thing left to do is enjoy the aroma and flavor of fresh herbs, and the satisfaction of having successfully grown an indoor herb garden. Whether you are a beginning or experienced gardener, or a beginning or experienced cook, the results of your labors will undoubtedly be rewarding.